Hand Carved Lomito De Bellota – 100g

£9.90 Including VAT



Hand Carved Lomito De Bellota – 100g

Acorn-Fed Lomito – The Prized ‘Noble Cut’

Lomito literally translates to ‘tenderloin’ in Spanish and is the most tender and succulent cut to eat- it is prized and the most valued of all Spanish cured meats. The Lomito is a prized cut from between the shoulder blades which is unbelievably soft and delicate, with a small amount of fat which is mosaiced through the meat as you can see. Unlike, the Chorizo or Salchichon, the Lomito is a lean cut and it has been lightly seasoned and cured with salt, paprika, pepper, lemon, garlic, oregano and the finest Spanish olive oil.

The Lomito is considered as the ‘Noble Cut’ in Spain due to its prized succulence. Especially the Lomito De Bellota which is cut from the finest acorn fed Iberian Black Pig.


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