Can Dogs Eat Ham Bones?

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Can Dogs Eat Ham Bones?

A very short answer to the question: Can Dogs Eat Ham Bones- is Yes! So long as they are not from cooked ham! Those are stricktly off-limits. However, raw & cured ham bones are great for your dog.

Ham bones are actually among the very best raw dog bones that can be found anywhere. You should actively be encouraging your dog to chew raw bones rather than the synthetic alternatives!

Raw dog bones for Jamon are large and durable enough to give your dogs teeth a good workout and are full of goodness! We all know that giving your dog a bone can help with the health of their teeth, gums and provide a healthy source of nutrition. The very best raw dog bones are those that are from Serrano & Iberico Jamon as they are rich with flavour, rich fatty goodness, vitamins and minerals that your dog will absolutely love!

There are loads of reasons why you should choose a raw dog bone rather than a synthetic alternative, raw bones are cost-effective, healthy, packed full of flavour and are 100% natural.

What are the Best Raw Bones for Dogs?

We have done some searching, and if you do not have a Jamon bone left handy to give your dog, you can always find raw dog bones online. Here is a list of the best raw bones for dogs:

By far, the best raw dog bones are from the finest Jamon; the Black Label Iberico Jamon. Not only are they a delicacy for humans, but the bones are rich, oily and full of essential fatty acids that can keep your dog healthy. They are a great source of protein, energy and are HUGE! They are more than robust enough to last much longer than a synthetic, or artificial bone.

Serrano’s bones are also fantastic for your dog in size, nutrition and flavour. You can easily purchase these online!


Raw Dog Bones UK